Brand - brand what is it?

When you hear a word "brand" what do you think of first?

10 bransa that will disappear in 2013

Find out which brands will likely stop existing next year

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Results of my research on Eureopan brands

About 2 weeks ago I carried out a quick research among the community of students and workers of University of Norther Iowa, in Cedar Falls, Iowa, about how they are familiar with European brands. I surveyed 11 people where 7 of them were students of different faculties, years and gender.This exploratory research was to help me which brands I should focus on during more in-depth research that I am going to conduct soon. The results were quite surprising: let me share with you what I have discovered. Below there is the list of all...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10 brands that will disappear in 2013

What is happening right now in the global market, does not help the brands to develop either. Some of the biggest brands are now even  in danger of disappearing from the market. Dynamically changing environment is a challenge that companies seem not to be able to undertake. Recently I have come across an interesting article...

Monday, October 22, 2012

European biggest brands failures

We are all do mistakes - we are just human beings, aren't we? We are not perfect and even very experienced people can make wrong decisions. The most important is what we do afterwards - do we leave it behind, with no excuse, or we try make it up, by making a statement " we were wrong, we apologize to all our customers" - anything of that kind would be fine. No business in...

Monday, October 8, 2012

How changing the existing brand image may destroy your brand

Few days ago, at my Digital Advertising class, we had a discussion how the social media response to the changes of brand image may play a significant role in the perception of the product. My teacher, Dr Matthew Wilson  showed us a story of the Tropicana juice changing its package. The CEO of the Arnell Group, Peter Arnell, the company which...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

brand - what is it? part 2

I have just come across with this great video about what brands are, what branding is, how brands are perceived and why brands are important and how they exist in our everyday lives. I think this short video represents everything a layman should know about brands. I really like it, because it presents the brand in the easy and understanding way, plus the cartoons are very good and suit the content very wel...

KFC changing brand image in India

Today I would like to talk about the article from the Economic Times I found while searching for brand image definition. It is about KFC changing its menu in India.  So when you hear of  KFC, you probably think of chicken, right? Well, what KFC stands for? Kentucky Fried Chicken! So the menu there should mostly consist of chicken! But I guess not in India. However,...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Brand image

Now, when we know what a "brand" is, I would like to go further and present a "brand image" definition. BusinessDictionary states: "The impression in the consumers' mind of a brand's total personality (real and imaginary qualities and shortcomings). Brand image is developed over time through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme, and is authenticated through...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Brand - what is it?

When you hear a word "brand" what do you think of first?  A particular brand name? What would be your first choice? Pepsi, Coca Cola, McDonalds or maybe Apple? I'm pretty sure you know what the brand is. But how many of you know the exact definition? Do not worry, I'm not going to ask you what is it exactly! You don't need to know word by word the definition....

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