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Monday, October 8, 2012

How changing the existing brand image may destroy your brand

Few days ago, at my Digital Advertising class, we had a discussion how the social media response to the changes of brand image may play a significant role in the perception of the product. My teacher, Dr Matthew Wilson  showed us a story of the Tropicana juice changing its package. The CEO of the Arnell Group, Peter Arnell, the company which took care of the advertising of the Tropicana juice decided to change completely the traditional, "old school" package to new "modern" one.

 The decision turned up to be a disaster. 

Here are few comments that appeared all over the social media:

“Cheap looking 7-11-esque packaging”
“Looks like a generic knock-off”
“This new packaging feels, at best, like a discount store brand”
“The juice’s new packaging was so bland and undistinguished it looked like the low rent made-from-concentrate stuff.”
Ouch..These comments do not look very flattering and pleasant, aren't they? Well I must admit, I do not like the new look of the Tropicana juice either. It is bland, undistinguished, common, looks like a generic brand. 
My question is now why they have changed the packaged that significantly ? People don't like changes, and if changes are inevitable, they cannot be dramatic. Especially if it comes to the everyday goods like orange juice. Consumers want the same things everyday as the routine gives the sense of stability. Were there any market researches conducted? They could have been, but we have to remember to choose appropriate things to measure. 
The thing that amazes me the most is the immediate response in the social media and how powerful the opinion is. After few weeks the new package was replaced by the old, wanted by everyone, familiar Tropicana package, even though Peter Arnell tried to convince the audience to his idea how the juice box should look like. Below you can watch a video with Peter Arnell explaining the failure of the new package. What do you think of it? 

To me he, seems to say to the consumers :" you are not intelligent enough to get the genius idea of the modern new design that shows the product itself or to understand the connection  the new squeeze cap with the family love" (which I think is brilliant, but I don't think of family when I saw it). 
Many people defined that previous logo with their childhood, the orange with the straw has always been a Tropicana juice image. This is what happens when you do not listen to the customers, if you do not put the customer in the centre of your marketing strategy, That's why the Arnell Group failed. That's why I think how the brand image, its logo can be even more important, powerful over the consumers than the product itself.


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